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2000 - 2009

State Forest State Park

2000 - total support $8,000

Roxborough State Park
Visitor Center Improvements

Grant: $4,000

State Forest State Park
Cabin Furniture

Grant: $4,000

A grant from the FCSP allowed for improvements at Roxborough State Park Visitor's Center, including a new geology exhibit.

Funding from the FCSP purchased new cabin furniture for the cabins at State Forest State Park.

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State Forest State Park

2001 - total support $10,000

Steamboat Lake State Park

Grant: $5,000

The FCSP provided a grant to create a life-size statue of a miner for the Visitor Center at Steamboat Lake State Park.

Sylvan Lake State Park
Oak Shelving

Grant: $5,000

A grant from the FCSP provided funding for oak shelving for both sides of the fireplace in the Sylvan Lake State Park Visitor's Center.

Steamboat Lake State Park


2002 - total support $15,318

Colorado State Parks
Year of Trails

Grant: $15,318

Funding from the FCSP supported the creation of 100,000 trail booklets in promotion of the year of trails.

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Rifle Falls State Park

2003 - total support $15,000

Colorado State Parks
New Logo

Grant: $15,000

In an effort to redesign/update the Colorado State Parks logo, the FCSP provided funds for an outreach campaign to help determine a new "brand" for Colorado State Parks.

2004 - total support $15,000

Colorado State Parks
Canopy Tents

Grant: $15,000

Canopy tents displaying the Colorado State Parks logo were purchased through support from the FCSP for use a public events, grand openings and trade shows.


Paonia State Park

2005 - total support $25,000

Colorado State Parks
Canopy Tents and Public Address System

Grant: $5,637

Mueller State Park
Chairs for Mueller Cabins

Grant: $1,100

Colorado State Parks
Two Chairs for Trade Shows

Grant: $140

Colorado State Parks
Special Event Displays and State Park Promotional Efforts


Grant: $18,123

Six (6) 10' x 10' canopy tents and a public address system were purchased for use by Colorado State Parks regional offices for public events, grand openings, and trade shows.


Mueller State Park

The FCSP provided a grant to the Division to purchase marketing and promotions materials including three tabletop displays, a variety of trade show promotional items, twelve oak brochure display racks and a brochure distribution service for 12 months.

2006 - total support $50,000

Colorado State Parks
State Parks and Foundation Marketing and Promotions Program Support

Grant: $30,000

Colorado State Parks
State Park Employee Incentives and Awards Program

Grant: $3,500

Golden Gate Canyon State ParkFurnishings for the Harmsen's Ranch

Grant: $6,000

Cheyenne Mountain State Park
Furnishings for Visitor Center Lobby/Coffee Shop
Grant: $4,500

Colorado State Parks
State Parks and Foundation Promotional Items for Customers

Grant: $3,000

Colorado State Parks
Disney Guest Services Training


Grant: $3,000

Colorado State Parks

License Plate Initiative

Support for one half of one staff position and printing of promotional items.

Team Excellence Award for all full-time employees with Colorado State Parks.

Bedroom furniture for guest rooms.


Golden Gate Canyon State Park

Major furniture items including chairs, sofas, tables, etc. for Cheyenne Mountain State Park's Visitor Center Lobby/ Coffee Shop.

Promotional items to be given to customers at eight large Trade and Travel Shows in Colorado.

Staff seminar for training at the Disney Institute

Efforts initiated to create a license plate that will promote awareness of Colorado State Parks and to provide additional funding from the FCSP to Colorado State Parks.

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2007 - total support $75,000

Colorado State Parks
State Parks
Priority Projects

Grant: $40,000

Priority projects were funded, through support from the FCSP for 12 Colorado State Parks:

  • Visitor Center furniture at Castlewood Canyon State Park

  • Cabin furniture at State Forest State Park

  • Display racks at Cherry Creek State Park

  • Interpretive displays for Barr Lake and Yampa River State Parks

  • Playground equipment for both Steamboat and Navajo State Parks

  • A trailer for Navajo State Park

  • Benches, bike racks and planters at Vega State Park

  • A visitor center sign and trees were added to Bonny Lake State Park

  • Conference room chairs and a display screen were purchased for John Martin Reservoir State Park

  • Cabinets for the visitor center at Lathrop State Park

  • An entrance sign was purchased for Trinidad State Park.


Colorado State Parks

Colorado Welcome Center Brochure Distribution


Grant: $10,000

With funding from the FCSP, this ongoing annual effort to distribute state park brochures to twelve major Colorado Tourism Welcome Centers and Visitor Centers continued. This is the second year of this important program that reaches non-resident travelers visiting Colorado by vehicle.

Efforts to plan and prepare for Colorado State Parks' 50th anniversary, to be celebrated in 2009, were funded by the FCSP. The 50th anniversary marks an entire year of celebrations, events, activities and a series of publications.

Banners and stickers will be designed, printed, delivered and displayed at each state park and office. As part of the 50th celebration, funds will also be used to help pay for a coffee table book, Colorado State Parks & Natural Areas featuring photos by Frank Weston.

Colorado State Parks
50th Anniversary Planning and Preparation

Grant: $20,000

Colorado State Parks

State Parks and Foundation Promotional Items


Grant: $5,000

Sports bottles and plastic bags, bearing the FCSP and Colorado State Parks logos, were produced through support from the FCSP and presented to customers at seven large trade and travel shows in Colorado. Additionally, a rental cabin promotion at RE.I. was funded through funding from the FCSP.


Lathrop State Park

Vega State Park

2008 - total support $75,000

Colorado State Parks
State Park History Traveling Exhibit

Grant: $13,000

A large exhibit was constructed through funding from the FCSP featuring a collection of photographs and narrative panels that cover the entire history of the Colorado State Park system. The traveling exhibit will be scheduled and placed on prominent display at the State Capitol and other high traffic public buildings throughout the state beginning in 2008 through 2010.

Colorado State Parks

State Park 50th Anniversary Calendar


Grant: $30,000

With the 50th Anniversary of Colorado State Parks being celebrated in 2009, support from the FCSP produced a calendar featuring a collection of "then and now" photographs. The calendar includes a tear-off and mail-in membership card for the FCSP.

Colorado State Parks

Colorado Welcome Center Brochure Distribution


Grant: $16,000 

With funding from the FCSP, this ongoing annual effort to distribute state park brochures to fourteen major Colorado Tourism Welcome Centers and Visitor Centers is possible. This is the third year of this important program that reaches non-resident travelers visiting Colorado by vehicle.

Colorado State Parks

Parks and Foundation Promotion at Major Trade and Travel Shows


Grant: $16,000

State Parks participated in six large Trade and Travel Shows in Colorado in 2008. Park staff representatives from around the state assisted with these shows to provide up to date and accurate information to the public. Costs for travel and per diem for the park staff was provided by the FCSP. Additionally, support from the FCSP allowed for the purchase of frisbees, State Park Camping Guides, posters, maps and safety guides to be given to those attending the shows. The FCSP's logo and the State Parks' logo were placed or tagged on all products.


Elkhead Reservoir State Park

2009 - total support $60,000

Colorado State Parks

State Parks Passport Program


Grant: $10,000

This extremely popular program was reintroduced for the 50th anniversary celebration in 2009 through a grant from the FCSP. Visitors were invited to visit all of the state's 44 parks and get a stamp or sticker in their book/ map for each park they visit. Upon completion, visitors who have received stamps/ stickers for all parks received a certificate or other commemorative item. The FCSP's logo is featured in the Passport book/map.

Colorado State Parks

50th Anniversary Commemorative Poster


Grant: $10,000

The FCSP provided a grant for the design and printing of posters for all 44 state parks. 135 copies of each poster were printed. Each poster highlights the beauty and diversity of Colorado State Parks. Recognition of the support from the FCSP appears on the posters which were distributed free of charge at all parks and park offices during the 2009 50th Anniversary celebration.

Creative Services

Training Services


Grant: $1,000 

Contractors were hired to assist the new Creative Services manager through support from the FCSP.

Cherry Creek State Park

50th Anniversary Celebration


Grant: $500

On June 17, 2009, Cherry Creek State Park hosted a 50th anniversary celebration. Colorado's leaders in outdoor recreation were invited to participate in this celebration. As the sponsor of this event, the FCSP was included in programs, promotional materials, commemorative items, signage, etc. The funds were used to cover event related expenses that included food/beverages, equipment rental, design and printing.


Cherry Creek State Park

Colorado State Parks

Colorado Welcome Center Brochure Distribution


Grant: $15,500

An important component of Colorado State Parks presence at Welcome Centers involves not only recently purchased brochure racks, but also having a consistent brochure supply to provide current information and to maintain an attractive display. Thanks to the support from the FCSP for the fourth consecutive year, a distribution service was employed to keep the racks fully stocked and secure ongoing placement of brochures in the Welcome Centers.

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Steamboat Lake State Park

Colorado State Parks

Parks and Foundation Promotion at Major Trade and Travel Shows​


Grant: $5,000

State Parks will participate in six large Trade and Travel Shows. Park staff representatives from around the state will assist with these shows. Costs for travel and per diem for the park staff was provided by the FCSP. The State Parks & Natural Areas coffee table books were sold, and State Park Camping Guides, posters/ maps, safety guides, etc. were given to those attending the Shows. The FCSP's logo and the State Parks' logo were placed on applicable products.

Colorado State Parks

Employee Recognition​


Grant: $8,000

Funding from the FCSP was used to purchase 37 service plaques for full time employees who had 5 years, 10 years or 20 years of service with Colorado State Parks. Additionally, FCSP funds will be used to pay for printing of 55 "2009 Excellence Nominations" booklets. Over 50 full-time Colorado State Parks employees were nominated by their supervisors and peers for the 2009 Excellence Awards and were recently recognized at employee appreciation and recognition meetings throughout the State. The nomination information for each employee was compiled into a "2009 Excellence Nominations" booklet that was given to the employees at the meeting.

Colorado State Parks

Colorado State Parks & Natural Areas Book​


Grant: $10,000

Colorado State Parks and Natural Areas is a beautiful book highlighting 43 of Colorado's most beautiful Natural Areas. The photographer, Frank Weston captured the natural beauty of these precious places. This book, including its beautiful photos, is a reality through the support of the Foundation for Colorado State Parks and the Friends of Colorado Natural Areas. The FCSP provided $10,000 and the Friends of Natural Areas provided $13,000 to produce the book. The FCSP receives royalties from the book sales through Colorado State Parks to re-establish the $10,000 fund for other projects for state parks. The Friends of Natural Areas fund will be refunded through royalties after the FCSP is reimbursed. Colorado State Parks purchased books from the FCSP and has been selling them through the Division's visitor centers and online store. The book is very useful for outreach and publicity of Colorado's most beautiful state parks and highlights the rugged beauty and importance of the Natural Areas. The book also provides a great way to introduce the public and decision makers to our State's hidden treasures and its resource stewardship ethic.


Paonia State Park


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North Sterling State Park

© 2025 by the Colorado Parks Foundation

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